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How Can I Address Vaginal Laxity After Childbirth?

August 18, 2023

If you’ve given vaginal birth, you may be intimately familiar with vaginal laxity. The hormones that spike during pregnancy allow for the ligaments and tissues that hold your pelvis and pubic area together to loosen and make birth a little easier. However, even after recovery from childbirth, it’s possible that not everything will return to its original place in your […]

When Should I Be Concerned About The Size of My Clitoris?

July 12, 2023

Clitoral swelling is a natural part of most womens’ lives. The internal and external portions of this pelvic organ fill with blood upon arousal, physical stimulation, or sometimes for what might seem like no reason at all. However, a lasting increase in clitoris size—like any new change to your body—does warrant your attention. Take in some context with a few […]

Straining While Defecating? Constipation and Perineal Descent

June 13, 2023

Have you been ‘pushing yourself’ in the bathroom lately? There are several reasons why we’re not meant to strain when making a bowel movement — herniation, prolapse, hemorrhoids and today’s focus: perineal descent. Though your perineum (the strip between your genitals and anus) might just seem like a few inches of flesh, it’s an integral part of your pelvic floor. […]

How Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Treatment (BHRT) Different?

June 2, 2023

Did you know women could have low testosterone levels? Despite testosterone being an androgen and mostly related to male development, women also produce the hormone, and it can be a key component in several quality of life phenomena—like sexual function/pleasure, mental clarity, and physical strength. Lows come with age (or after operations like oophorectomies) but the issues that stem from […]

What Does Uterine Prolapse Feel Like?

May 25, 2023

Have you noticed an odd pressing sensation when you sit? Are you having sensations of an egg-like bulge at the vaginal opening? Are you starting to worry that you might be experiencing uterine prolapse? We understand these sensations can cause concern; we are here to help you navigate the situation and get to the bottom of your symptoms. How serious […]

I’m Having Trouble Defecating… Is It Perineal Descent?

May 12, 2023

A weakened pelvic floor can lead to a range of issues, most commonly pelvic organ prolapse. Any instance that strains the pelvic floor muscles can cause them to stretch and weaken to the point that organs like the uterus (uterine prolapse) ,bladder (cystocele) or rectum (rectocele) fall through the vagina. Similarly, a weakened pelvic floor can cause perineal descent. Difficult […]

How Do I Know If My Uterus Is Prolapsed?

March 22, 2023

Pelvic organ prolapse is when a pelvic organ moves from its anatomical position, sometimes “dropping” into the vagina. Uterine prolapse is specifically when the uterus falls out of place. The muscles and ligaments that make up the pelvic floor act as a support system for the uterus; when they become weak, it can cause the uterus to move or prolapse. […]

What Causes An Enlarged Glans Clitoris?

February 15, 2023

One condition that we’re able to treat at Austin Urogynecology is clitoromegaly, or an enlarged clitoris. Clitoromegaly is when the clitoral body and clitoral glans become enlarged. When this happens, the clitoris can look phallic or penis-like. There are a handful of reasons why a woman might develop clitoromegaly, and fortunately there are treatment options available to minimize enlarged tissue. […]

Is It Possible To Tighten Your Vagina?

January 27, 2023

Vaginal laxity is a natural and common condition among women. It is not necessarily dangerous, but it can be uncomfortable. Age, genetics and childbirth are all factors that cause the vagina to stretch and relax. This looseness can lead to decreased sensation during intercourse. You may be wondering whether or not it’s possible to reverse some of these changes and […]

What Is Clitoromegaly?

December 13, 2022

Clitormegaly is an increasingly common condition where the erectile tissue of the clitoris becomes enlarged. Clitoromegaly used to occur primarily in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), but the popularity of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for women has caused the condition to increase in frequency. Clitoromegaly isn’t dangerous, but it can cause patients to feel uncomfortable or insecure. Fortunately there […]

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