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Enlarged Clitoris and Testosterone Replacement Therapy

January 7, 2024

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for women has become increasingly popular in recent years. Testosterone levels in women naturally decrease over time, and the decline accelerates as women reach menopause. Women suffering from low testosterone often experience decreased sexual desire, less sexual satisfaction, low mood, fatigue, and muscular weakness. By taking testosterone in the form of creams, pills, or pellets, women […]

How Large Can A Clitoris Get?

January 5, 2024

Clitoromegaly refers to the enlargement of the clitoral tissue. Some cases of clitoromegaly are congenital but women can also develop clitoromegaly later in life due to hormonal imbalances or testosterone replacement therapy. You might be wondering: what’s a “normal” size clitoris? How would you know if you have clitoromegaly? In order to differentiate between what is and isn’t normal, it […]

Is My Clitoris Enlarged, or Just Large?

September 13, 2023

At Austin Urogynecology we offer a variety of solutions for an enlarged clitoris, known as clitoromegaly. Clitoromegaly is when the clitoral body and clitoral glans become enlarged over time. It can be difficult to discern whether you have an enlarged clitoris or just a naturally “larger” clitoris, but regardless, many women opt for a clitoral glans reduction or clitoropexy to […]

When Should I Be Concerned About The Size of My Clitoris?

July 12, 2023

Clitoral swelling is a natural part of most womens’ lives. The internal and external portions of this pelvic organ fill with blood upon arousal, physical stimulation, or sometimes for what might seem like no reason at all. However, a lasting increase in clitoris size—like any new change to your body—does warrant your attention. Take in some context with a few […]

What Causes An Enlarged Glans Clitoris?

February 15, 2023

One condition that we’re able to treat at Austin Urogynecology is clitoromegaly, or an enlarged clitoris. Clitoromegaly is when the clitoral body and clitoral glans become enlarged. When this happens, the clitoris can look phallic or penis-like. There are a handful of reasons why a woman might develop clitoromegaly, and fortunately there are treatment options available to minimize enlarged tissue. […]

What Is Clitoromegaly?

December 13, 2022

Clitormegaly is an increasingly common condition where the erectile tissue of the clitoris becomes enlarged. Clitoromegaly used to occur primarily in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), but the popularity of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for women has caused the condition to increase in frequency. Clitoromegaly isn’t dangerous, but it can cause patients to feel uncomfortable or insecure. Fortunately there […]

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