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Vagin-huh? The Ridiculous Ways People Spell Vagina

November 26, 2018

Expert Take on Names for Vaginas Vajayjay, hooha, lady bits, flower. Over the years we’ve referred to our lady parts by several names, every one more endearing than the one before it. We can attribute these variations in names to changes in culture and definitely our maturity. Next to naming rights, another easily changeable characteristic of your vagina is what […]

Is My Vagina Normal?

July 28, 2017

Many women are concerned with the way their vaginas look because it looks different from photos and videos that they’ve seen in the media. “Is my vagina normal?” has slowly started to become a common question asked by women around the world. There is no standard of normal when it comes to vaginas because they’re all different. Vaginas, just like people, […]

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