The Role of Genetics in Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse has a variety of causes and a suite of solutions. Prolapse of the pelvic organ is not typically monocausal. As women age, things like childbirth and weight gain cause complications that may lead to pelvic organ prolapse.

That being said, in recent years studies have shown that some women may be genetically predisposed to complications with pelvic organ prolapse.There is increasing evidence that genetic factors contribute to pelvic organ prolapse. In a study led by Dr. Peggy Norton, researchers examined the chromosomes of 115 women who were treated for Pelvic Organ Prolapse and all 115 women also had family history of pelvic organ prolapse. The researchers found seven DNA sequence variations that were associated with these 115 women.

Further research has from the organization Voices for PFD indicated that P.O.P is a hereditary disorder, and external factors like aging, childbirth, diet, and activity levels exacerbate this genetic predisposition to P.O.P.

Any Austin Urogynecology, we provide a variety of solutions to P.O.P. at every stage. If you are struggling with pelvic organ prolapse, reach out to us today!

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