When do we take care of ourselves?

Women are amazing and play so many roles in life; mother, wife, partner, parent, friend, daughter, sister, coworker, the list goes on. Time and time again women come in stating they have taken care of everyone else and now it is finally time to take care of themselves.

With all of our roles, responsibilities, time, and care for others, we sometimes forget about our own needs. They say on airplanes to put your oxygen mask on before you help others so you CAN help others because you’re strong and able. It is ok to set aside time to take care of those nagging issues you’ve been putting up with for months or even years.

There ia s treatment for bladder issues like leakage when you sneeze or exercise, UTIs, and pelvic organ prolapse – things falling out! These conditions can cause chronic discomfort, irritation and even pain. So, let’s put our masks on then go out and be our best selves – without wet pads or pelvic pressure.

Feel free to contact Austin Urogynecology today to learn more about how we can help.

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