What is the Difference Between Sacrocolpopexy and Sacrocolpoperineopexy?

Both Sacrocolpopexy and Sacrocolpoperineopexy are surgical procedures to correct cystocele, rectocele, vaginal vault prolapse and enterocele. Both procedures may be done by da Vinici robotic assisted surgery, laparoscopically, or as an open procedure.

Sacrocolpopexy is a prolapse repair done from the abdomen, elevating the prolapse using a surgical mesh. The mesh is placed between the bladder and the vagina and between the rectum and the vagina then sutured to the sacrum to restore the vaginal anatomy to its proper position. The mesh works to provide a strength layer to the vagina to hold the pelvic organs in place over time and minimize the risk for recurrent prolapse.

Sacrocolpoperineopexy involves all of the above technique, plus an additional repair to the perineal body and posterior vaginal compartment. This may be chosen over a straight sacrocolpopexy in cases where the perineal body is relaxed or when the perineal body drops.

When asked, what is Sacrocolpopexy, we hope this information about the difference between sacrocolpopexy and sacrocolpoperineopexy is helpful.

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