What is that bulge down there?! Prolapse explained.

Pressure, heaviness, and a bulging sensation in your lady area – is this normal? Why are you feeling this?

Well ladies, continue to read along and see if a consult for prolapse is right for you.

What is prolapse?

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) can mean several things. One possibility is that your bladder is dropping. Or your uterus or even your rectum can be pushing into the vagina. I know I know this all sounds a little scary, right? Well it doesn’t have to be! This is actually pretty common, especially after vaginal deliveries.

POP can even be in your genes! Maybe Great Grandma Margaret had prolapse but it was never discussed. Sometimes mom and grandma aren’t comfortable talking about such intimate symptoms, which is where we come in. With prolapse, other symptoms can follow such trouble emptying your bladder properly, do you find yourself pushing or leaning back and forth to try to pee? If the rectum is bulging into the vagina (rectocele), this can cause other symptoms such as trouble with bowel movements and a struggle with constipation.

Does it need to be treated?

Now with all this being said, prolapse does not always require an emergency visit to the doctor’s office, some patients will actually leave prolapse untreated. You can remain sexually active and live a normal life without correcting the prolapse, however some patients can become symptomatic and will choose to have the prolapse corrected. A pessary, a support device, can be inserted into the vagina to lift things up and provide relief from pelvic pressure and associated symptoms. The treatment for prolapse is surgery to restore the anatomy by lifting and lengthening, and often tightening the vagina.

If you still have questions or want some one-on-one medical advice, come talk to us.


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