What is Prolapse?

A prolapse occurs when the pelvic muscles and ligaments that function to support the vaginal uterus weaken and allow the bladder, rectum, uterus, or small intestine to drop into the vagina.

A prolapse may be asymptomatic or may cause bothersome symptoms or even inhibit activities of daily living. Some women describe prolapse as the sensation of something dropping in the vagina, or feeling like they are sitting on a ball. This may cause pelvic pressure or heaviness, low back pain, painful intercourse, urinary frequency and urgency, sensation of incomplete bladder emptying or incomplete defecation.

The sensation of a vaginal bulge may become noticeable all of the sudden or may gradually become apparent over time.

Prolapse is usually diagnosed based on a patient’s history and a pelvic exam.

Examples of Prolapse include: Cystocele, Rectocele, Uterine Prolapse, Enterocele, and Vaginal vault Prolapse

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