Testimonial: Stress Incontinence After Sacrocolpexy

A patient talks to us about her experience with Dr. Shashoua and the team at Austin Urogynecology. A full transcript of the interview is below the video.

Austin Urogynecology: All right. So here we have today one of our wonderful Austin Urogynecology patients that has undergone some surgical procedures with us. So tell us a little bit about your first surgical procedure here.

Patient: I had a complete hysterectomy, a bladder lift, suspension, sling, rectocele, everything fixed and it was wonderful. [Dr. George Shashoua] got it all fixed and I’ve had a wonderful experience. Everybody in the office is super nice. The surgery went great, the recovery went great. I came back several times and he had to redo the sling to get it just right. But that was a little day surgery and that fixed the problem and now everything is working properly.

AU: Awesome. So is there anything that you would recommend for any other patients that are looking into the same surgery as you had? Any recommendations? Post-operative recovery?

Patient: If you’re a patient that has a prolapsed uterus and bladder and need surgery, he’s the one that’ll fix it. He knows exactly what to do. It’s a great team. He got everything done that needed to be done and I would totally recommend you come into see him and it was a great experience.

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