Midurethral Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence

Is the mid-urethral sling operation done to repair urinary incontinence cost effective?

It seems like everyone is talking about containing medical costs these days. So how about the mid-urethral sling we know it improves patients’ Quality of Life Index but is it cost effective?

The answer is yes. Dr. Leslee Subaks clinical trial of 491 women who underwent either Burch or mid-urethral sling surgical procedures for stress urinary incontinence found that women reported a 72% decreased cost to manage urinary incontinence at two years post-operation. The costs decreased from nearly $15 per week to $4. The average number of incontinence episodes also decreased from 23 per week to 3. The decrease in incontinence management cost was strongly associated with the decrease in incontinence frequency.

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