Do I Need Prolapse Surgery?

Some women live with prolapse without symptoms or adverse effects. They may learn they have a cystocele, rectocele, enterocele or uterine prolapse during a well woman exam and wonder what to do next. Other women may notice a bulge protruding beyond the vaginal opening and become panicked or even present to ER for fear this is a medical emergency.

Prolapse is not a medical emergency but may cause a wide range of symptoms. Symptoms range from urinary urgency and frequency to urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, pelvic pressure, dyspareunia (painful intercourse), low back pain, recurrent urinary tract infections or poor emptying of bowel or bladder. Advanced prolapse can lead to ulceration of the vagina and cervix leading to vaginal bleeding. Advanced prolapse of the bladder can also lead to ureteral obstruction.

Treatment depends on the severity of your symptoms and may include vaginal prolapse repair, sacrocolpopexy, pelvic floor physical therapy or pessary. Treatment is aimed to improve quality of life, alleviate associated symptoms and restore anatomy to its correct position.

To learn more about prolapse surgery options in Austin, Texas, please contact us.

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